Research Archivement
Research Performance
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    Pelubi Tab
    Pelubi Tab is Daewon Pharm’s first new treatment and the 12th new medicine of Korea, approved by KFDA. Daewon Pharm developed this new medicine, containing pelubiprofen which belongs to the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), with R&D from new materials to production. Compared to existing products, Pelubi Tab has excellent effects as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic drug, and has less side effects related to gastrointestinal tract. Initially, Pelubi Tab was known to be efficacious to treat or relieve the symptoms of degenerative joint disease, but the relief of backache and efficacy for rheumatoid arthritis and fever have been also added as the result of continuous clinical development. Incrementally modifying this product, Daewon Pharms has recently presented Pelubi SR Tab, which enables sustained release by forming microchannel. This feature minimizes side effects on gastrointestinal tract, and contributed on convenience of less frequent dosing as twice a day.
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    Lena Megane Capsule
    After 8 years of R&D, for the first time in Korea, Daewon Pharms succeed in the localization of activated carbon adsorption used to delay the initiation of dialysis treatment for patients with chronic rental failure. The existing granule-type medicine had a lack of dosing convenience as it left the remaining sense of the medicine inside mouth. Also, it was hard for patients to consistently take a right amount because they had to combine individually packaged granules in person. Renamezin Capis a capsule-type medicine which greatly increases dosing convenience, and presents excellent effects with improved the adsorption rate of urotoxic substances compared to existing product.
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    Otillen F Tab
    Otillen F Tab, a gastritis medicine, is produced with Daewon Pharm’s patent floating technology. This technology makes medicine float within stomach toelongates its stay time up to 18 times (180 minutes), making medicine work for the damaged part of the stomach walls directly. In addition, the existing gastritis medicine made of extract from Artemisia herb had to be taken three times a day, but Otillen F Tab reduces the number of dosing to twice a day, greatly increasing dosing convenience.
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    TG Fenon Tab
    TG Fenon Tab is the incrementally modified drug for hyperlipidemia, increasing the absorption rate in the body by improving its hydrophilic feature and applying release control technology which makes medicine elute not inside gastrointestinal tract but inside small intestine. As a result, the dosing convenience of this modified medicine has been greatly improved because patients can take it regardless of meals and the size of tablet is also reduced to less than half.
Core technology
Class Core technology Product Efficacy
Controlled release
(Sustained release dosage form)
Hydrogel matrix system
Multi-Layer Coating
Wontran Sustained Release Tablet Treatment of acute/chronic pain
Improved absorption
(Sol, BA Improving)
Hydrophilic Polymer sysem
micro emulsion
Felodin SR Tablet Treatment of hypertension

Induction of general anesthesia
Fast dissolving Tablet
Taste masking technology
In vitro/in vivo
simulation system
Clasin dry Syrup

Megestrol Suspension
Treatment of bronchial infection

Treatment of anorexia
Class Patent Patent registration
Domestic patent 51 23
Overseas Patent 35 5